Connect with authenticity

Here’s a big word: authenticity. Authenticity—the practice of acting and communicating in authentic, that is, genuine ways—can be surprisingly difficult to do. There’s so much at stake. For better or worse, a person’s words and actions not only influence others’ perceptions of him or her, but they also affect the way people feel about themselves. In fact, the pressure to meet others’ expectations and personal agendas can cause people to act outside their true nature, creating friction in their relationships and a divide between their beliefs and actions. Yet authenticity is at the heart of meaningful expression and genuine interactions. It grounds personal relationships, business affairs, discovery work, and creative pursuits in solid principles that can be felt. More than that, authentic behavior has been shown to benefit a person’s self-esteem and sense of well-being. In her bestseller, “Presence” (Little, Brown and Company, first edition Dec. 2015), social psycho...