Crossword crazy

Crossword puzzle fan? So am I and w e're not alone. reported in 2019 that about 50 million people did crosswords, including 30 million scribing away on newspaper versions and about 20 million going for magazine, online and book versions. I've been doing crosswords since I was kid. My mother turned to the Poughkeepsie Journal's puzzle page to complete the daily crossword (along with the word Jumble) while dinner cooked. The more often I did the crosswords with her, the greater my fondness for them grew. In fact, now my daughter and I do the same, although usually after dinner. Still, one puzzle a day isn't enough to my feed my ongoing fascination with them, so there are various crossword puzzle books scattered around my home , including a cherished spot on my nightstand. I love the challenge and satisfaction of figuring out the answers to a crossword grid and seeing the resulting words read in accurate horizontal and top-to-bottom lines. Of cours...